Publish Data to External Database, from exMon

Created by: Guðrún Eydís Jónsdóttir

In this article, you will learn how to publish data to external databases, from exMon. Actions in exMon DM transfer data from the exMon DM database to another Microsoft SQL Server of your choosing. These Actions can either be added as a button within the exMon DM editing area or automatically executed when you click Save.

Create an Action to transfer data

  1. Open the table you want to publish in exMon DM and go to Table Designer.
  2. Click Edit Actions.
  3. Add a new task by clicking Add and selecting Publish Data to External Database.

  4. Choose a name for your action.
  5. Select a connection to the destination database. If you have not already created a new connection you need to create one, read more about that here.
  6. Select the destination table for the data. You will need to create the destination table outside of exMon DM.
  7. After selecting the destination table, you will need to configure which columns in the source table map to which columns in the destination table. This is done under Column Mapping.
  8. You can add a filter to the source data under "Filter". The syntax there is standard T-SQL. For example WHERE AddressType = 'Premise Address'

    To make sure your filter works as expected use the Preview button

  9. To execute a script on the destination database before or after the transfer, click the Pre/post execution button and add your script. This can for example be helpful to truncate data before transferring data or to execute a stored procedure after the transfer
  10. Click Run action if you want to run your action immediately
  11. Click Save Tasks to save your action

Note: To read more about creating actions in exMon, click here

Guðrún is the author of this solution article.