exMon 22.3 - Release Notes

Release notes for exMon 22.3

We are excited to bring you the exMon 22.3 release with many new features and improvements. Recently, we have been integrating exMon Data Governance and Data Management to ensure they work seamlessly together. With this release, we are taking the next step by synchronising releases and having a common versioning scheme. Therefore we made the jump from exMon DG 5.9 and DM 3.2 to a version that uses the current year.

Our goal is to release 4 major versions a year with smaller improvements in between.


This release brings an update to the data connector - for future references data gateway - this will now allow you to connect to on-premise data and data pipelines from the cloud. Everybody hates too many emails - so now we have added a summary function for email notifications to make it easier to get an overview, get fewer emails and reach inbox zero.

Amongst some of the new features we have of course fixed some bugs.

In this article, you will read about improvements to:

exMon Data Governance

exMon Gateway and Process Management

exMon Data Connector has been renamed to exMon Gateway for better clarification. exMon Gateway can be set up on any computer within an internal network, allowing cloud customers to connect to on-premise data and data pipelines.

exMon Gateway now supports running packages on-premise. This means that our cloud customers can now seamlessly control and monitor on-premise TimeXtender, Jet Analytics, SSIS and custom PowerShell, Python etc. jobs using the cloud version of exMon.

A common use scenario could be a customer using on-premise SSIS packages needing to run in parallel with TimeXtender execution packages. When they are finished, exMon is used to ensure the data is correct and finally update the PowerBI reports.

Email Summary Improvements

Email Summary is a great way to send a weekly digest of the progress for specific data quality controls. With exMon 22.3, we are also improving email summaries sent to query owners. One significant improvement allows you to turn off email for specific data quality controls and instead send out a summary.

email summary


exMon Data Management

Open exMon DM Application from the web

In each release, we have been improving the experience in using the overall data entry user experience in the exMon DM web portal.

In exMon 22.3, we have added a new toolbar button, Open exMon DM App. This button allows the user to open the current table in the Windows client version of exMon DM. This allows the user to quickly jump into the Table Designer to make changes to the design.

Improvements on the web

Further exMon DM web client improvements include better functionality when scrolling and filtering through large tables and filtering. The filter panel is now located next to the data instead of on top of it so all columns are visible. 

Upgrade Later between Minor Versions

Our aim is to keep all clients up-to-date on new features and improved stability. Therefore, we frequently release new versions of exMon. When we publish new versions, users are given the choice to upgrade their Desktop Client immediately or later on.


exMon Turnkey

Our next generation of exMon, codenamed Turnkey, continues to be in private beta. It is continuously being improved based on user feedback.

Process Maps

To get a better overview of the processes running in the workspace, we have added a process map that allows you to monitor a variety of processes.

(Image: Process map)


(Image: Failed process in the process map)


Adding users

We’ve added the beginnings of user management into turnkey, starting with creating a new user.

(Image: User creation)


Data providers added

We’ve added a data provider page to turnkey to add and/or manage data providers.

(Image: Data providers page)

(Image: Data provider creation)

Bugfixes & Minor fixes

  • The execution preview has been improved
  • The preview dataset no longer shows two scrollbars
  • Improved error messages in execution preview
  • Compare queries now work in Turnkey

We are slowly adding new beta testers to Turnkey and we are excited to bring this to more users in the coming months.

Bug fixes and smaller improvements

Data Governance

  • Azure Function as a new package type
  • Upgraded all code to .NET 6, improving speed and size
  • exMon cloud now uses SendGrid for emails, improving reliability
  • Null exception is thrown when the task is deleted
  • Data connector should not need to be upgraded to work for newer versions of DG
  • TimeXtender packages throw a wrong error message
  • Users cannot change portal colours under Tools -> Configuration
  • Description and Action for Email Template do not work
  • Create data provider - UI is disabled after selecting PowerShell as datasource type
  • Fix error where test execution fails because too many tests are running through the command service
  • Better error message when the user has not executed test in query window before previewing/executing it fully
  • Command service is now 64-bit by default
  • Disabled tasks throw an exception
  • Dashboards in old DG don't work
  • CommandService is not included in the on-premise installer
  • Upgrading exMonDG on-premise does not work correctly for the CMD service
  • Recalculate hashes sometimes fails
  • Switching to Dimension overview does not work 
  • After deleting the system in old DG, tasks that were on the system can still be executed
  • When logging in on the DataFactory package that has values on the initial load it throws an error

Data Management

  • Some legacy tables did not work in the web application
  • Upgraded all code to .NET 6, improving speed and size
  • Users could not change the values of Item List in Table Designer
  • Making hidden columns visible didn't work in the web application
  • Users can now copy the full database name of a table from the Table Properties window
  • High-DPI and layout problems in the Desktop client were fixed
  • Column caption in tables automatically added spaces before capital letters
  • When string columns were marked as Summary the table showed now rows
  • More descriptive error message when users delete a column being used by an Action

How to upgrade?

Contact our support to upgrade to exMon 22.3